University of Florida

About Extension:

Real answers for real life. is the website of University of Florida Extension.

To make it easy for you to get what you need, we've put all of our expertise in one place, You can explore topics in lawn and garden care, family life and consumer choices, agriculture, community development, the environment, and youth development.

Above all, our site is focused on providing timely and relevant solutions to improve your life.

Here, we bring you current, science-based answers—free.

Now available 24/7.

We've always supplied you with solutions through our local Extension offices, located in every Florida county. We also offer workshops, classes, consultations, demonstrations, and quality educational materials.

Now, with, you can access our publications and other resources from any computer.

Our website also features timely articles, an events calendar, and a database of frequently asked questions.

Our real-life success stories show how Extension benefits Floridians just like you.

Through, University of Florida Extension expertise reaches more Floridians than ever.

Girls on a laptop Giving a presentation Agents examining a peach tree

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