Fall Fruits and Nuts
Fall and winter may not seem like ideal seasons to plant, but this dormant time is great for planting nut and fruit trees, such as pecan and persimmon. Planting during these seasons allows the soil to settle and roots to establish before spring.
Here are some nut and fruit trees you can grow this fall.
Chinese Chestnut
Chestnuts are popular over the holiday season and are also low in fat. Gardeners living in the northern half of Florida can plant Chinese chestnut trees in locations where they receive plenty of sun. Make sure to plant these trees in moderately-acidic and well-drained soil. These chestnuts aren’t as sweet as the American chestnut, but they are edible. That means gardeners should protect chestnuts from animals, such as squirrels, raccoons, and deer.
Did you know that Florida produces five to 10 million pounds of pecans each year? Gardeners can grow pecan trees in cooler months to allow for root growth the following spring. Choose disease-resistant varieties, such as Elliot and Curtis. Pecans are also a good source of protein, and they should start to appear on trees within six to 12 weeks.
Oriental Persimmon
Oriental persimmons add a nice, orange color to landscapes. They're also easy to grow and rich in vitamins and fiber. Permissions are categorized as astringent or non-astringent—astringent persimmons must be completely ripe before they’re eaten to avoid an unpleasant flavor, while non-astringent cultivars can be eaten when they’re still crisp like an apple. Gardeners in North and Central Florida can grow both types of persimmons, but astringent types grow best in South Florida.
Be sure to buy strong-looking plants, and choose fruit and nut varieties recommended for your area. Contact your local UF/IFAS Extension office for more information on planting fruit and nut trees in your area.
Adapted and Excerpted From:
T. Friday, “Add fruit to the landscape with Oriental persimmon,” UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa County (11/2007).
“Chestnut,” UF/IFAS Gardening in a Minute (Accessed 11/2014).
“Fall Fruits and Nuts,” UF/IFAS Gardening in a Minute (Accessed 11/2014).
“Pecans,” UF/IFAS Gardening in a Minute (Accessed 11/2014).
“Oriental Persimmon,” UF/IFAS Gardening in a Minute (Accessed 11/2014).

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