University of Florida

Eat Local: Cucumbers

Did you know purchasing locally grown foods helps the local economy and protects natural resources? Not only that, but local food also tends to be fresher than food that has traveled many miles. While eating local is not always an option, Florida does offer a variety of local, in-season produce grown throughout the year.

October marks the nine-month start of Florida cucumber season. Whether they’re processed or pickled, these water-filled fruit are grown throughout west-central and south Florida.

Nutritional Facts

Besides being naturally free of fat, sodium, and cholesterol, Florida cucumbers have many other nutritional benefits.

  • Cucumbers are high in vitamin C, which keeps teeth and gums healthy and heals cuts.
  • They contain water, helping to keep your body hydrated.
  • Florida summer squash supply minerals, such as phosphorus and potassium.
  • These fruit have low calorie content—a half cup of sliced cucumber contains only eight calories.

How to Select Florida Cucumbers

When buying Florida cucumbers, look for ones that have a rich, deep green color. The cucumbers should also be well-shaped and heavy for their size.

You don’t want to buy a cucumber with soft spots, so be sure the cucumber feels firm. Avoid buying cucumbers that have become dried up at their tips, too.        

Contact your local UF/IFAS Extension office for more information on local food in your area.

Adapted and excerpted from:

C. Peñuela, “Florida Fresh: Cucumbers” (FCS8877), UF/IFAS Family, Youth and Community Sciences Department (rev. 09/2012).

Local Foods,” UF/IFAS Extension (03/2013).


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