University of Florida

Weather Resources

FAWN: Florida Automated Weather Network

FAWN is a UF/IFAS network of weather stations that provides accurate, real-time rural weather information to agricultural producers and the general public.

FAWN also collects data on air and soil temperatures, rainfall, dewpoint, relative humidity, windspeed, wind direction, and radiation. The FAWN website offers farmers data and tools for short- and long-term planning.

Other Florida Weather Resources

Fire Weather and Forecast--Florida Forest Service

The Florida Forest Service provides current and forecast details about weather conditions that could cause fires.

Florida Climate Center

FSU's Institute of Science and Public Affairs provides statewide climate data, information, and analyses.

Florida Division of Emergency Management

The DEM offers information and resources for disaster prevention and planning in Florida.

National Weather Resources


AgroClimate gives the latest forecasts showing how El Niño and La Niña could affect agricultural production and natural resources in the Southeast.

Crop Weather--USDA

The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service provides this collection of weekly crop weather reports and general information about the growing season.

National Hurricane Center--NOAA

The National Hurricane Center's Tropical Prediction Center provides storm data, advisories, tracking information, and satellite and radar imagery of hurricanes and other severe tropical weather.

National Weather Service--NOAA

The National Weather Service provides continuously updated information and forecasts about weather conditions nationwide.

U.S. Drought Monitor--University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Drought Monitor focuses on broad-scale conditions and provides a weekly nationwide drought assessment.