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4-H Participant Resources


DeSoto County 4-H is a Youth Development program open to all youth ages 5-18 (as of September 1st).  We offer a wide variety of clubs, day camps, residential camps as well as activities which you may be interested in.  Whether you are already involved in 4-H or are interested in additional information, this page is for you!

Florida 4-H Events

Florida 4-H offers many events on county, district & state level. To find out more about these events, visit the Florida 4-H Events Page.

4-H Project Summary Forms

These forms should be used for each project you are involved in. These should be turned in at the end of the year with your project record book. Please choose the Summary form that is meant for your 4-H age (as of September 1st).

Cloverbud Project Summary  (5-8 years old)

Junior Project Summary  (8-10 years old)

Intermediate Project Summary  (11-13 years old)

Senior Project Summary  (14-18 years old)

County Events

County Events are competitive events which provide you with the opportunity to conquer your fears of public speaking without having to speak infront of a large group of people. County Events are broken up into five different categories which are discussed below.

Demonstrations & Illustrated Talks
An illustrated talk requires the presenter to use either a PowerPoint/Poster to illustrate a topic such as how to identify an ideal market swine or how to use a sewing pattern correctly. During a demonstration, the presenter shows the audience "how to" do something using real objects such as how to bake a cake or how to properly arrange flowers in a vase. The guidelines for Deomonstrations and Illustrated talks can be found here

Public Speaking
The 4-H Public Speaking contest is designed to give 4-H'ers the experience in preparing and delivering a speech on a 4-H related topic.  During this contest, you must recognize, organize and present information on a topic of your choice. You must be able to speak convincingly in public and express your ideas effectively.  For more information on the Public Speaking contest, click here.

Share the Fun
The 4-H Share the Fun program in designed for 4-H'ers who would like to display their talents whether than be a type of dance, singing, acting etc. For more information about the Share the Fun program, click here

Photo Contest
If you are intersted in taking photos, this contest is for you. Choose from the various categories and submit photos based on those requirements.  If you are intersted in more information about the Photo Contest, click here.

Graphic Design Contest
The 4-H Graphic Design Contest gives 4-H members an opportunity to use their creativity and artistic ability to promote their project areas or the 4-H program. You can use your visual communication skills to create a brouchure, flyer, promotional material or PowerPoint Presentation for this contest. To learn more about the Graphic Design contest, click here.

Opportunities in 4-H

DeSoto 4-H Logo

4-H County Events

What are 4-H County Events?   Katelyn Mulinix | County Extension Director & 4-H Agent I   4-H County Events 4-H County Events is an annual competitive event....

Fair is Over, Now What?

Fair is Over, Now What?

All your hard work has paid off! You have successfully exhibited at the county fair, and most have sold their 4-H project in preparation to do it all over again next year. Although the fair is over, 4-H still has plenty of...

DeSoto 4-H Logo

4-H is Beyond Ready for National 4-H Week, October 7-12, 2024

  DeSoto County 4-H has been helping youth prepare for their future since 1911. Original focuses were on the farms and improving farming practices. As trends have changed over the years, 4-H has evolved into a youth...