Madison County 4-H Camps
Day Camps 2019
ALL Day Camps must have a completed Registration Form and fees paid (Cash/Check) in order to be put on registration list. If your child is not currently enrolled in 4-H you MUST fill out a Participation Form.
Adventures in Science Day Camp
Youth will learn about Force and Motion, engineering, gardening and a bunch of fun science in between!
June 3rd -7th
8:00AM - 4:30PM
Ages 8-13 (limited space)
$25 per camper
Real Life Skills Day Camp
Learn those skills that kids need to know when they become an adult...banking, budgeting, cooking, CPR/First Aid, car care, etc.
July 15th -18th
8:00AM - 4:30PM
Ages 13-18 (limited space)
$25 per camper
4-H Camp Cherry Lake
This years dates are June 10, 2019 through June 14, 2019, Cost $240
To enroll in 4-H Camp Cherry Lake, you MUST register in the 4-H Online system and be activated by our office prior to registering for camp. If you have questions or need assistance with this please contact our office. (If your child is ONLY participating in Summer Programs please register them as a short-term member -- If you choose YOUTH you will be enrolling them into a club which will require you to pay 4-H membership fees for the current 4-H year)
To finish enrolling your child, you MUST come into the 4-H office and pay your $75 registration fee (cash or check). Your child will not be on the list until a deposit and online registration has been completed.
There is a limit of 40 kids this year, so don't wait come in and go online to register now.
Visit the 4-H Online system.
4-H Legislature
This years dates are June 25, 2018 through June 29, 2018, Cost is $230
For more information regarding this event visit the 4-H State web page.
To enroll in 4-H Legislature, please log into the 4-H Online system. Deadline to enroll is May 4, 2018.
Don't forget to also make sure that you enroll in the 4-H Online system as a Madison County 4-Her (if you only come for the summer programs make sure to choose SHORT-TERM MEMBER), once registered and approved you can go back and register for camp.
4-H University
This years dates are July 31, 2018 through August 3, 2018, Cost is $250
For more information regarding this event visit the 4-H State web page.
To enroll in 4-H Legislature, please log into the 4-H Online system. Deadline to enroll is June 9, 2018.
Don't forget to also make sure that you enroll in the 4-H Online system as a Madison County 4-Her (if you only come for the summer programs make sure to choose SHORT-TERM MEMBER), once registered and approved you can go back and register for camp.
Elizabeth Moore 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent II, M.S. elizabethmoore@ufl.edu
Physical and Mailing Address 184 NW College Loop Madison, FL 32340
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm