Madison County 4-H Clubs
Meeting dates may change slightly due to volunteer scheduling issues. Be sure to check with Mrs. Beth at (850)973-4138 on meeting days and times! Calendars are emailed out at the beginning of each month.
4-H Hickory Grove Club
This club meets once a month on Sunday at 3pm at the Hickory Grove Methodist Church in Pinetta. Main project areas are livestock, archery, and crafts.
4-H Saddles & Spurs Club
This club meets once a month on the 1st Thursday at 6:00pm at the County Extension Office. Club mostly focuses on Horse related projects but also incorporates leadership and outdoor skills.
4-H Community Club
This club meets once a month on the 3rd Thursday at 6:00 pm at the County Extension Office.
4-H Culinary Club
This club meets once a month on the 2nd Thursday at 6:00pm at the County Extension Office. This club is for all ages. Club focus on cooking and kitchen safety.
4-H Shooting Sports Club
This club meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:00am at the Hickory Grove Methodist Church. Main focus is air rifle and archery. All equipment is provided.
4-H County Council
This club is a combination of all the clubs. Ages 11-18 and members report back to group what their clubs are doing and also works with 4-H Agent to plan county activities.
If interested in joining any of these clubs and/or have questions please contact the Extension Office.
Madison County 4-H Enrollment
- All youth and volunteers must register online at v2.4honline.com
- Volunteers will have to contact the 4-H Agent for interview and filling out forms.
- All youth and volunteers must enroll every year in August to be an active member.
- All youth must pay a membership fee to the 4-H State office to be an active member. (member will stay as pending status until payment has been received)
Elizabeth Moore 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent II, M.S. elizabethmoore@ufl.edu
Physical and Mailing Address 184 NW College Loop Madison, FL 32340
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm