Madison County 4-H Upcoming Events and Announcements
Chick Chain Project
2022 Chick Chain Show is scheduled for Sept 15, 2022. Check-in begins at 4:30 and Judging starts at 5:30!
North Florida Fair
The North Florida Fair is November 3-13 in Tallahassee. 4-H Day at the Fair is Saturday, Nov. 12th. 4-H members, parents, and volunteers can purchase North Florida Fair discount arm bands through the Madison County Extension Office for $15 (half the regular rate). These can only be used on Nov. 12th. These must be purchased before Oct. 28th.
Any crafts or projects 4-H members have completed are encouraged to be entered in the fair. Please let Mrs. Beth know what you will be entering by Sept. 30th.
Elizabeth Moore 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent II, M.S. elizabethmoore@ufl.edu
Physical and Mailing Address 184 NW College Loop Madison, FL 32340
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm