Sea Grant
Science Serving Florida’s Coast
Florida Sea Grant is a university-based program that supports research, education and extension to conserve coastal resources and enhance economic opportunities for the people of Florida.
We are a partnership between the Florida Board of Education, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Florida’s citizens and governments. Our extension, education and outreach programs are done in partnership with UF/IFAS Extension and coastal counties of Florida.
We tap into the research expertise of more than 800 coastal and ocean scientists at the state’s 16 major universities and research laboratories, and we are an integral part of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida, one of the nation’s leading Land Grant universities. Our 20 extension agents live and work in coastal communities. They have a breadth of experiences and tremendous trust from their local residents as reliable sources of science-based information. Our seven statewide extension specialists lead highly relevant programs including seafood safety, boating and waterway management, coastal conservation law, aquaculture and fisheries management.
Our vision and mission
Florida Sea Grant envisions a future where people use our coastal and marine resources in ways that capture the economic and social benefits they offer, while preserving their quality and abundance for future generations.
Florida Sea Grant’s mission is to support integrated research, education and extension to conserve coastal resources and enhance economic opportunities for the people of Florida.
Scott Jackson Specialty: Sea Grant County Extension Director and Extension Agent IV, M.S. (850) 784-6105
Bay County Co-Op Extension 2728 E 14th St Panama City, FL 32401
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Chantille Weber Specialty: Marine/Natural Resources
Coastal Resource Coordinator
(850) 784-6105
Bay County supports education programs in these areas: