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UF/IFAS Extension Bay County

Who We Are

The Cooperative Extension Service is nationwide and was established by the Smith-Lever Act of 1914. It is a partnership between state land grant universities, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the county governments throughout the nation. All of these groups share in the planning, financing, and operation of extension programs. In Florida, the Cooperative Extension Service is administered by the University of Florida. The transfer of knowledge from UF to people throughout the state is facilitated by "Extension" faculty located in each of Florida's 67 counties.

In Bay County, we provide researched-based educational programs in Family & Consumer SciencesSea Grant Marine, Horticulture, and 4-H Youth Development  in response to local issues affecting county citizens.  Through the combined efforts of state and county faculty, staff, volunteers, advisory committees and local partners, UF/IFAS Extension Bay County Programs respond to the needs of area residents.  We assist in applying the benefits of research and university expertise to solve problems.

What Do We Do?

We teach!  Our teaching methods are diverse, which include classes, seminars, workshops, field days, mass media, and researched based publications.

An Equal Opportunity Institution

L. Scott Jackson, County Extension Director - Florida Sea Grant
Artificial Reefs Program, Living Shorelines, Master Naturalist Program, Sustainable Fishing and Responsible Angling Practices, Aquaculture, Seafood Safety, Ecosystem Health, Coastal Hazards, Pond Management and Water Quality Regional Specialized Extension Agent

Dr. Paula Davis - 4-H Youth Development
Volunteer and Leadership Training for Youth and Adults, Military Youth Programs, Learning Life Skills, School Enrichment and After -School Programs

Melanie Taylor - Family & Consumer Sciences
Healthy Living, Financial Management, Cooking and Nutrition, Managing Relationships and Community Sustainability

profile imageChantille Weber - Coastal Resources Coordinator
AAUS IANTD Scientific Diver, National Geographic Educator, Artificial Reef Program management, responsible angling practices, sustainable fisheries and stock enhancement, marine ecosystem health and resiliency, marine science and ecology, environmental science and policy, coastal hazards and derelict vessel removals, STEM mentorship for young professionals. 

Profile photo of Lauren GoldsbyLauren Goldsby- Horticulture 

Cheryl Faulk - Administrative Coordinator


(850) 784-6105

Physical & Mailing Address 2728 E 14th St Panama City, FL 32401

Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 12pm 1pm – 5pm