4-H Youth Development
Bailea Scarbrough
My name is Bailea Scarbrough, and I am the 4-H Youth Development Agent. Born and raised here in Bradford County, I have a deep-rooted passion for agriculture and education. I got started in Extension as an intern in Clay County in 2018, started my career as an Agent in Flagler County in 2021, and started my role here in Bradford County in 2023.
My passion for agriculture began at an early age growing up around cattle on my family’s farm. I naturally became involved in 4-H and FFA where I expanded my horizons and pursued new opportunities for personal and professional growth. I graduated from the University of Florida in 2018 with a B.S. in Agricultural Education, Communication and Leadership Development and I am currently pursuing a M.S. in AEC specialized in Extension Education.
As the 4-H Agent, my focus is developing and implementing educational programs that enhance the Bradford County 4-H Program. Beyond agriculture, my favorite part of 4-H is how it uses the “Learn By Doing” approach to help young people learn essential life skills they need to be workforce ready. I am excited to connect with the youth, families, volunteers, and community stakeholders of Bradford County and hope to use my knowledge and experience to foster growth and development in our community.
Bailea Scarbrough 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent I (904) 966-6224 bgnann@ufl.edu
Address 2266 N Temple Ave Starke, FL 32091
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm