Lawn & Garden
With programs focusing on all aspects of homeowner’s lawns and gardens, from turfgrass to fruit trees and from vegetables to butterfly gardening, UF/IFAS Extension Clay County is your number one contact for relevant, research based gardening information. Some services we offer are identification and troubleshooting of plant health issues, soil pH testing, pesticide training and information, educational workshops and courses, an ever expanding teaching and demonstration garden, and help from our Master Gardener program.

Florida-Friendly Landscaping
Have an interest in making your landscape more environmentally friendly while also saving water and money? The Florida-Friendly Landscaping program focuses on a set of nine principles homeowners and communities can use to manage their garden and landscape to conserve water, protect water quality, and promote beneficial wildlife species. These best management practices apply to the lawn, landscape, and edible garden.

Edible Gardening in Florida
Fruits and vegetables are a key part of many gardener’s plans and UF/IFAS Extension Clay County has many resources to assist you in planning, installing, and maintaining your gardens to promote high quality produce and abundant yields. We provide educational workshops and assistance with fruit trees, vegetable gardens, and other edible crops in a variety of home production environments.

UF/IFAS Master Gardener’s
Master Gardener volunteers work to educate the public with research-based information and years of hands-on experience. Our volunteers currently work in many programs around the county including schools, the Clay County Fair, presentations to local clubs and organizations, and through educational programs at our office and demonstration gardens. Yearly courses are offered for those wanting to become a Master Gardener.