4-H Clubs in Highlands County
Highlands County youth who enroll as 4-H members enroll as a member of a specific club. Each club meets regularly each month and focuses on different 4-H projects. Find the club that is best for you by browsing the Highlands County 4-H clubs below.
Avon Park
Boots and Buckles
- Community Service, Large Animals, Small Animals
- Leader: Heidi Stephens | hsstephens@gmail.com | (863) 273-2755
Cornerstone Christian Academy*
- *Must be a student of Cornerstone Christian Academy
- Contact (863) 453-0894 for more information
Country Clovers
- Community Service, Small Animal, Large Animal, Cloverbud, Healthy Living
- Leader: Jackie Harris | (863)381-1995
Lake Placid
Lake Placid Clovers
- Community Service, Cooking, Gardening, Heifers, Poultry, Rabbits, Sewing, Steers, Swine
- Leader: Paula Sapp | lp4hclovers@gmail.com | (863) 441-1506
- Community Service, Small Animals, Large Animals
- Leader: Lauren Bush | (863) 441-5939
Lorida Livestock
- Large Animal, Community Service
- Leader: Elsa Jane Miller | (863) 381-2043
Cracker Trail Livestock
- Small animal, Large Animal, Community Service, Leadership, Cloverbuds
- Leader: Dawn Crawford | (863) 381-8941 (text)
- Citrus, Community Service, Dogs, Cloverbuds, Leadership
- Leader: Stacy Hill | (863) 381-0786
Highlands County Council*
- Leadership, Citizenship
*Made up of representatives from each club. Please speak with you leader if you would like to be a delegate.
Highlands County Shooting Sports
- Archery, Rifle, Outdoor Adventures
Leader: Melissa Stockenberg | (863) 441-1228
Highlands County Youth Citrus Project
- Citrus
- Leader: Ashley H.K. Gill & Alexis Cooper | apontius@ufl.edu | (863) 402-6540
Soaring Eagles
- Service Projects, Art, STEM
- Leader: Kitty Lackey | kittylackey@comcast.net
A+ Livestock
- Large Animal, Community Service
- Leader: Rebekah Wills | (863) 273-0208
Alexis Cooper Education-Training Specialist I, B.S Highlands4H@ifas.ufl.edu
Address 4509 George Blvd. Sebring, FL 33875
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 5pm
4-H Information:
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