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Lawn and Garden

UF/IFAS Extension Leon County offers a wide range of workshops and trainings for Leon County citizens. Most are free or are available at a low cost.

Quick Links:

Lawn and Landscape Information

  • Florida-Friendly Landscaping
    Access a landscape design guide and to learn about the 9 FFL principles for a more resource efficient Florida yard.
  • UF/IFAS Assessment of Non-native Plants
    See which plants are considered invasive or not recommended by UF/IFAS in your landscape.
  • EDIS
    View thousands of UF/IFAS publications. Just search a topic you would like more information on.
  • The Florida Lawn Handbook
    the most current lawn management information written in practical language by turfgrass experts from UF/IFAS. This resource has information on all of the different grasses used for Florida lawns, turf establishment, fertilization recommendations, proper maintenance, pest management, and more.
  • Soils and Fertilizers for Master Gardeners Series 
    This website was intended for use by Master Gardeners and contains several documents that provide a great overview of the proper use of fertilizers.
  • Lawn Irrigation
    This website discusses the basics of maintaining an irrigation system and best practices for watering your lawn.
  • Landscape Irrigation
    this website has information on various aspects of landscape irrigation, including use of rainfall shutoff device, irrigation during establishment of landscape plants, calibrating an irrigation system, and managing irrigation to avoid soil and nutrient loss.
  • Let the Buyer Beware When Buying Sod
    An article by David Marshall with tips for homeowners that are considering buying sod.
  • How to Build an Inexpensive Greenhouse
    Trevor Hylton’s presentation that has everything you need to know about building a small, inexpensive greenhouse.

Tallahassee Urban Forest Resources

Vegetable Gardening Information

Plants of Florida

The Atlas of Florida Plants website is a comprehensive, searchable database of naturalized plants (natives and escaped exotics) in the State of Florida.

For a list of invasive, exotic plant species, visit the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) website.

For photos and control options for invasive, exotic plants, visit the UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants.

Integrated Pest Management

Home Composting Resources

Local Gardening Links

View more Tallahassee garden clubs/groups. If you would like to add your group to this list, please give us a call. There are many gardening groups that offer the chance to meet like-minded individuals and learn from others about special garden topics or plant species.

Have a question? Ask a Master Gardener at or call our office at 850-606-5202.

Vermicomposting 101 Fact Sheet


Mark Tancig Master Gardener Coordinator & Residential Horticulture Master Gardener Office – (850) 606-5224

Lawn and Garden Links

 Other Resources


Horticulture Blog

Skip the Birdfeeder, Plant a Tree

Skip the Birdfeeder, Plant a Tree Originally published in the Tallahassee Democrat By Rachel Mathes Birdfeeders are great additions to the...

The Joys of Growing Elephant Garlic

The Joys of Growing Elephant Garlic ...

Recording the Impacts of COVID-19 on Agricultural Professionals

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