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4-H Youth Development


4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization. 4-H is a non-formal, practical educational program for youth, ages 5-18. Florida 4-H is the youth development program of Florida Cooperative Extension, a part of the University of Florida IFAS. The Florida 4-H Youth Development Program uses a learn-by-doing approach and caring adults to help youth gain the knowledge and life skills they need to be productive, responsible citizens. Pinellas County 4-H consists of a variety of programs that teach youth life skills to help them grow to be successful adults.

Chester Ochs 4-H Educational Center

The Chester Ochs 4-H Center has been an active and critical portion of the UF/IFAS Pinellas County Extension office since 1991. The center has provided countless youth and 4-H volunteers an opportunity to teach and experience activities from archery to agriculture. It's primary function has been the youth garden. Visit the link above to learn more about the Ochs 4-H Center.

Pinellas County 4-H Website

We have a new home for all that things Pinellas 4-H! You'll be able to find out about our active 4-H Programs, calendar of events, resource guides and 4-H tutorials. Visit the link above to learn more about what is going on in our county.

Local 4-H Events

The Local 4-H Program has a wide variety of curricula and activities for youth of all ages. Find out about the latest news and national 4-H challenges and gain access to over 190+ interactive online activities ranging from agriculture to STEM and civic engagement.