Marine and Coastal
Florida Sea Grant is committed to conserving coastal resources and enhancing economic opportunities for the people of Florida. I provide educational opportunities and research-based information designed to assist citizens, visitors, businesses, and community leaders in making informed choices with respect to our marine and coastal resources.

Marine Education at Weedon
The Pinellas SeaGrant Program works to increase awareness and build environmental stewardship through programs like the Going Coastal Education Series, the Salty Topics Speaker Series, and Coastal Cleanup and Environmental Restoration Projects. Salty Topics is presented the 1st Thursday of each month at 7pm during the academic year. Going Coastal Programs include programs on many topics. Register and view events above.

Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
University of Florida IFAS Extension is playing a leading role in helping citizens, governments, and industry make well-informed choices in the face of a changing climate. We strive to identify key project partners, facilitate discussion in the scientific community, and engage the public regarding the science and data.

Publications and Videos
We are pleased to offer you a variety of local, state and national publications to help answer your most pressing questions on today’s marine and coastal issues. Please chose the link above to explore your options. Information can be found on marine and coastal habitats and wildlife, coastal hazards, and climate change.