4-H In Taylor County
4-H is a community of young people who are learning leadership, citizenship, and other life skills. We are a community-based educational program of the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Using planned "learn by doing" experiences and positive, supportive relationships. 4-H welcomes all youth ages 5-18 of all beliefs and backgrounds.

Taylor County 4-H club and volunteer information
Learn more about 4-H clubs in Taylor county and how to enroll. Also, find out how you can volunteer. You are the biggest help to making the best better.

What we do
4-H is more than clubs. We are involved in schools, fairs, community, and fun and interesting projects. Learn more about what us and what you and your children can do to be involved.

Summer camps are a great way for kids to get out and do something amazing. Take a week trip to Camp Cherry lake and just be in the outdoors or join one of our day camps and explore a wide variety of different camps from marine to cooking spa camp.