Chick Chain project
The Florida 4-H chicken chain project is open to all 4-H members (ages 5-18).
4-H chick chain is a program designed to help youth learn how to raise baby chicks into mature productive pullets. Youths learn responsibility, ethical treatment of animals, biosecurity, record keeping, and communication skills. Youths will register their projects and raise their chick for 21 weeks. They will participate in workshops learning how to take care of their chicks, show hens, and complete project books. In the end, they will participate in a show in the fall.
Participants will receive 6 chicks to raise and show. Chicks typically arrive in April and youths can choose to select their own breed of chicks.
Before the youths get their chicks, parents must participate in a mandatory orientation meeting. At the meeting, you will receive important information on raising the chicks, such as completing record/project books and building a brooder and coop.
Any member interested in participating must register with Mrs. Abbey at the UF/IFAS Taylor county extension office.
Abbey L. Tharpe 4-H Youth Development (850) 838-3508
Head, Heart, Hands, and Health
4-H Motto:
To Make the Best Better
4-H Slogan:
Learn by Doing
4-H Pledge:
I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service,
and my health to better living,
for my club, my community,
my country, and my world.