4-H Clubs in Washington County
4-H Community Clubs are where youth learn citizenship and leadership skills while experiencing a wide range of projects. To learn more about the clubs we offer in Washington County 4-H, visit the #washco4h page.
Washington County 4-H Membership Policy
Washington County 4-H membership is open to all youth, ages 5-18 years old as of September 1 of the current 4-H year, who reside in Washington County, Florida.
- Youth residing in the counties adjacent to Washington County (Bay, Holmes &Jackson counties) may join Washington County 4-H if, and only if, they meet the following exception:
- Youth resides in Bay, Holmes or Jackson County but is enrolled as a Washington County School District student, attends a private school in Washington County, or is home-schooled.
- Out-of-county youth will be considered for membership on a case by case basis.
- It is not a given that out-of-county youth will be accepted for membership.
- For 4-H Clubs with a maximum enrollment, preference will be given to youth residing in Washington County. If space allows, out-of-county youth will be considered for membership.
- Dual-county participation is not allowed in Washington County 4-H.
- Dual-state participation is not allowed in Florida 4-H.
- Youth who are members of more than one club pay the state membership fee once and club dues for each club they are in.
4-H Project Record Books
Each year, 4-H members keep track of their activities in their 4-H project. Project Record Books are turned in for judging and awards and are due May 31st each 4-H year. If you don’t have a specific project book listed below, use the correct book for your age group.
- Cloverbud Project Summary
- Junior Project Report
- Intermediate Project Report
- Senior Project Report
- Horse Record Book
- Archery Project Book
- Shotgun Project Report
- Beef, Poultry, Rabbit & Swine
4-H Age Divisions determined on September 1st of the current 4-H year
- Cloverbud – 5-7 years old
- Junior – 8-10 years old
- Intermediate – 11-13 years old
- Senior – 14-18 years old
The UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program uses a learn-by-doing approach to help youth gain the knowledge and skills they need to be responsible, productive citizens.