Agriculture and Natural Resources
Lizzie Whitehead
Hi. I am Lizzie Whitehead, the UF/IFAS Extension Bradford County Livestock and Natural Resources Agent. I am passionate about the agriculture and animal science industries. I graduated from the University of Georgia with a Master of Agricultural and Environmental Education and my Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from the University of Florida.
My work experience in agriculture includes ranch management, livestock production, and Extension education.
As the Livestock and Natural Resources Agent, I work with producers in Bradford County dealing with hay, cattle, horses, swine, chickens, and small ruminants. I develop and implement educational programs and materials related to livestock production and best management practices.
These programs cover all aspects of livestock production including pasture management, animal nutrition, reproductive management, animal health, and pond management. I am excited to continue working with livestock producers and look forward to addressing the issues that will arise for my producers.
Click here for more information on Agriculture, Livestock, and Natural Resources.
Lizzie Whitehead Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent I, M.S. (904) 966-6224 liz.whitehead@ufl.edu
Address 2266 N Temple Ave. Starke, FL 32091
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm