Volunteer Portal
You will find many of the documents you need for your club on this page. If you do not see an item, you are looking for, please contact the Agent or Program Assistant and they will be able to add the information to this page.
You will find many of the documents you need for your club on this page. If you do not see an item, you are looking for, please contact the Agent or Program Assistant and they will be able to add the information to this page.
4-H is a Youth Development Organization that belongs to the members, their families and dedicated adults who serve as volunteer leaders. Volunteers dedicate time to the youth to help them learn and navigate the 4-H projects and curriculum. Volunteers are the heart of 4-H.
We will be adding all information regarding Horse Events and links as they become available. If we need to add any items please let us know.
2025 Rulebook-changes-and-class-list.pdf
Horse Certification- Must be turned in to compete by January 1st
HORSE TSHIRT CONTEST 2025 Deadline January 31st
Volunteer Meeting 10/23/24 ReCap
Reflections- volunteer meeting May 2, 2024.pptx
Club Resources | Volunteer Chat September Edition 2024
Club Resources/ Pre meeting Activities
We will be adding materials here including recorded meetings and tutorials for Citrus County. If you have content you would like us to include, please let us know.
4-H Club Org. Form (Please get back to Toni early part of the 4-H year)
Association/Club Deposits Use when you have funds to deposit
Association/Clubs Requisitions Use when you need to pull money from club accounts
Bylaws Template 4H (Please get back to Toni early part of the 4-H year)
Club Brochure List descriptions meeting times for all Citrus County Clubs
Club Activity Form For any events outside of your business meetings
Marnie Ward 4-H Agent Extension Agent II, M.S. (352) 527-5712 mlward@ufl.edu
Toni Noaker 4-H Senior Program Assistant Tnoaker@ufl.edu 352-527-5722