Clay County is home to more than 400 farms of varying sizes and types of operations from livestock cow/calf and beef, hay production, timber production, beekeeping, hydroponics and aquaponics, vegetable and fruit production, as well as citrus operations. The Clay County Agriculture site is designed to help farm operators, both current and prospective, find information on current issues, practices, and recommendations as well as current and future educational programs being offered locally and regionally.

Livestock and Pasture Management
Livestock Management – Cattle, horses, goats, sheep, chickens, swine, and herd health Pasture management – Pasture grass selection, establishment, and management, weed identification and treatment, pasture fertilization, toxic weed control Pesticide Education and Licensing – Agriculture Pesticide licensing, exam preparation, pesticide application and calibration Youth Livestock Education

Crop Management and Alternative Enterprises
Vegetable Production – Selection, management, fertilization, irrigation, pest control Alternative Crop Selection – Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Blueberries, Olives, Hops, Honey Diversifying Your Agricultural Operation – Agro-tourism, direct marketing, farmers Markets, Cottage Food Law Youth Food Systems Education

Meet Our Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent
Cassidy Dossin is the University of Florida/ IFAS Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent for Clay County. In that capacity, she provides educational research-based programs, workshops and information to agricultural landowners, cattlemen, traditional and alternative crop producers and growers, timber producers, landscape nurseries, golf courses, and agricultural pesticide applicators.