Natural Resources
Clay County water use averaged 1.26 million gallons of water used per day in 2015 and this number is projected to double by the year 2035 (2015 FSAID Report). The Clay County Natural Resource site is designed to help the Clay County public learn about how we affect the environment, and provide information on current issues, practices, and recommendations for conserving our natural resources as well as current and future educational programs being offered locally and regionally.

Environmental Stewardship
Water Quality – Pond Management, stock fish management, Aquatic weed management Timber and Forestry Stewardship – Timber insects, Silviculture and silvopasture Invasive Species – Terrestrial and aquatic invasive weed management Florida Master Naturalist Program – Core Module programs and Special Topic programs

Water Conservation
Agriculture Water Conservation – Crop Irrigation selection and efficiency, micro irrigation and drip irrigation, irrigation crop scheduling Urban Water Conservation – Turf and shrub irrigation system efficiency, irrigation maintenance and repair, irrigation auditing and sprinkler system calibration Youth Water Conservation Education

Meet Our Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent
Cassidy Dossin is the University of Florida/ IFAS Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent for Clay County. In that capacity, she provides educational research-based programs, workshops and information to agricultural landowners, cattlemen, traditional and alternative crop producers and growers, timber producers, landscape nurseries, golf courses, and agricultural pesticide applicators.