Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP)
In order to assist and educate nurserymen and landscape professionals, UF/IFAS Extension Indian River County's Commercial Horticulture Program provides the following services:
- Solutions for local issues
- Consultations
- Diagnostic services
- Soil and water testing
- Fertilizer applicator (GI-BMP) training and testing
- Pesticide applicator training and testing
- Literature & website referrals
- Industry updates & alerts
Fertilizer Applicator Training and Licensing
Florida statute 482.1562 states that all commercial fertilizer applicators must have a license from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) as of January 1, 2014. Licenses are issued by FDACS and can be applied for after receiving a certificate of training from UF/IFAS Extension programs.
Overview of Florida Friendly Landscaping™ GI-BMP Program
Pesticide, Insecticide and Herbicide Applicator Training and Testing
The state of Florida requires that certain persons be certified to legally apply any pesticides (including insecticides and herbicides such as RoundUp). Who must be certified and the type of certification or license required depends on the type of chemicals used, the site of application and the role of the applicator (owner, employee etc.). Licenses are issued by FDACS and can be applied for after receiving a passing score on the appropriate category test.
CEU Information:
GI-BMP & Pesticide Applicator Resources:
- UF/IFAS Extension Bookstore (training materials)
- UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office
- FDACS (database search for classes, licenses etc.)
- FDACS Licensing Portal (exam registrations, license applications & renewals)
- FDACS Pesticide Applicator Website (certification & licensing)
- UF/IFAS Extension Indian River County License Testing Information
Amir Rezazadeh
Multicounty Fruit/Field Crops Agent II
St. Lucie & Indian River Counties
Phone: (772) 462-1660
E-mail: amir2558@ufl.edu
Physical Address
1800 27th Street
Building B, 2nd Floor, Room 201A
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Mailing Address
Indian River County
Agricultural Extension
1800 27th Street
Vero Beach, Florida 32960-0310
8:30am - 5pm