4-H and Youth Development
4-H helps youth succeed in life by building skills like responsibility, resiliency, and hard work through hands-on learning and education. The Jefferson County Extension Office strives to inspire and empower youth to create change through youth leadership and development.

4-H Enrollment
Are you interested in joining 4-H? In Jefferson County, you can be part of a community club, a school club, a project class, participate in county events, or participate in our summer camps. 4-H is for ages 8 - 18, and Cloverbuds is available for ages 5 - 7.

Volunteers and Leaders
Are you interested in volunteering for 4-H? 4-H volunteers are essential to help youth make the most of a wide variety of learning experiences.

Events, Summer Camps, and Newsletter
In Jefferson County 4-H, we have a variety of events, activities, classes, and summer camps. The 4-H Newsletter comes out monthly with important information and deadlines.
- 4-H.org