4-H Classes and Activities
The following classes/activities are currently unavailable until further notice due to personnel change. For more information on availability, please call the office at (850) 342-0187
- Consumer Choices Classes: TBD
- Sewing Classes: TBD
- Share the Fun Talent Show and Fashion Revue: TBD
- Initial Demonstration Workshop: TBD
4-H Demonstration Preparation Classes:
- Specific Dates: TBD
- County Events Date: TBD
- District Events Date: TBD
- Location: TBD
Chick Chain Project - Information will be updated for later 2023.
The 4-H Chick Chain is a program designed to help youth learn how to raise pullets (baby chicks) into mature production hens. This program not only teaches youth responsibility, but also about ethical treatment of animals, biosecurity, record keeping and communication skills. Youth will receive six pullets from two different breeds (a total of 12) in the spring, and raise them over the summer. The culmination of this program is a show and optional auction at the conclusion of the program. Members participate in workshops to learn how to care for their chicks, show their hens, and complete their record books. This program is open to any 4-H member in the northwest district between the ages of 5-18.
- Individual Project
- Enrollment Deadline: TBD
- Training Dates: TBD
- Chick Chain Public Show: TBD
- For more information: http://nwdistrict.ifas.ufl.edu/district-4h/4-h-chick-chain/
- Contact the office to register at: (850) 342-0187.
Ag Adventures
Ag Adventures is a district-wide program in which youth from area schools come out to the North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) designed to teach youth about agriculture and science. The goal for this program is to provide a quality, hands-on educational experience for youth to learn what agriculture is, what it means to our community, county and state, and to foster an appreciation for how the science of agriculture touches their everyday lives. This event usually takes place in September.
Ecology Field Day
Ecology Field Day is a program where elementary school age youth in Jefferson County come out to the Extension Office and learn about various topics including, ecology, agriculture, bees, etc. The youth partake in hands-on activities across the day. This event took place May 3rd, 2023.
Attention 4-H students! Do you want to win prizes from FAMU and talk about your favorite large animal?
Submit the most creative and colorful poster board about your favorite cow, pig, horse, or even chicken breed to win!
What needs to be on your board?
- Name of the animal
- Origin of the animal
- Colors of the animal
- Traits of the animal
- Fun facts of the animal
- Why is this your favorite animal?
Bring your poster board to the UF/IFAS Extension Office Before August 3rd 2021, between the hours of 8-5 Monday- Friday! After August 23rd the office will vote for the best poster boards! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will have the chance to win prizes given by FAMU Cooperative Extension.
You don’t wan to miss out submit your poster today!
Any questions? Email Emily Nolen at emily.nolen@famu.edu or call (850) 342-0187.
Attention 4-H students! Do you like winning prizes? Well if you do submit a wanted poster about any one of these Zoonotic Diseases!
- Rabies
- Lyme Disease
- Malaria
- Salmonella
- coli
- Parrot Fever
- Brucellosis
- Swine Influenza
- Or other zoonotic disease of your choosing
What is a Zoonotic Disease you ask? Webster defined it as an infection or disease that is transmissible from animals to humans under natural conditions.
Make a wanted poster for any one of these diseases that includes:
- Disease name
- Description of appearance
- Symptoms of the disease
- A picture of the disease (on an animal or under the microscope)
- Treatment options
- Country of origin
- Impact of the disease
Submit your poster online by email to emily.nolen@famu.edu and excepted posters will be posted to our Facebook page to be voted on by your friends and family. * You can use Canva, Microsoft Word, or turn in a PDF to be accepted!
Send your poster today to win your mystery prize today!
Any questions? Email Emily Nolen at emily.nolen@famu.edu or call (850) 342-0187.