You are invited to join a 4-H club or to enroll as a home study member. Club members participate in one or two club meetings each month and in county 4-H activities. Home study members do not participate in club meetings, but do participate in county activities. To join a club, just contact the leader of the club you are interested in. Click here for a list of our Community Clubs.
How to Enroll
You’ll need to fill out an enrollment form which is available at the Jefferson County Extension Office or with your club. The 4-H year runs from October through September. Members are re-enrolled each year. Club activities generally following the school year. Click here to print the Enrollment Form or enroll online (you will have to make an account on 4-H Online in order to enroll online).
When you join the Jefferson County 4-H program, you’ll receive the 4-H Newsletter, which contains important information for you about events and activities going on in the 4-H program. For more information, please call the Extension Office at 850-342-0187.
4-H Clubs
Your 4-H club is a group of young people with adult leaders who want to get together to have fun and to learn. Clubs conduct themselves under the guidelines of the Florida 4-H Program. Generally, members meet once a month. They also participate in activities with other clubs from around the county and the state.
Check out our Community Clubs for our current club list!
Club Contact Information
There are several 4-H Clubs in Jefferson County for a range of ages, as well as 4-H School Clubs for grades 3 - 5. For grades 8 and up, there is also a County Teen Council that meets monthly.
One of the main ways that 4-Hers have fun learning is by doing a “project” using a project book from the 4-H office. After learning about the project and doing some activities, the 4-Her can give a “demonstration” to tell his or her club members and other about what he or she has learned. A club or home study member can make a display about a project. Sometimes project activities are also done in your club, and at other times at county-wide workshops or classes.
Community Service
Each club is urged to participate in at least one community service activity each year. Community service is important in the 4-H program. It gives club members a chance to contribute something to our community. Through community service projects, you will learn about citizenship and what being a citizen really means.