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Youth Nutrition Education

The Family Nutrition Program offers series based nutrition education classes to Leon County Public Schools, camps, after-school programs, and teen/community centers. Our programming educates children and youth on how to start and maintain a school garden and integrate the garden into classroom instruction.

Youth learn how to improve health and lifestyle behaviors through combining classroom learning, gardening, food tasting experiences, physical activity, and school and family engagement. With support from our partners, youth are encouraged to eat more fruits and vegetables and develop an awareness of how foods are grown. Contact us today to request programming in your school or education setting!

Healthy Kids and Teens learn to eat healthy, move your body
and make positive changes that will lead to a healthy life.


Growing fruits and vegetables at home is fun and easy! It is something you can do as a family, too!

Create your own container garden


Make sure to add all of the ingredients to your grocery list to make a stir fry or grab some seeds at the store to grow your own!

Garden Stir Fry Recipe


Treat your taste buds to these yummy recipes created and tested by kids just like you!! Try "Chicken Taco Tower" and "Wrap It Up" by budding chefs! After you make these recipes, maybe you'd like to try to create your own! It's time to cook!

Check out these recipes just for kids


Encourage children to eat vegetables and fruits by making it fun. Provide healthy ingredients and let kids help with preparation, based on their age and skills. Kids may try foods they avoided in the past if they helped make them.

10 tips for making healthy foods more fun for children