Okeechobee 4-H
The 4-H Youth Development Program is the youth outreach program from the Land Grant Universities, Cooperative Extension Services, and the United States Department of Agriculture. The 4-H Name & Emblem is intended to represent the ideals of the program with its focus on Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. Today, it is one of the best-known and most valued images emblematic of a century of 4-H achievement. The 4-H Name & Emblem is very important to us as an organization because it represents who we are. The Green is the most common color found in nature, it is considered the color of springtime, life, and youth.

4-H Camps
During the summer months Okeechobee 4-H offers a variety of day camps. The list and information will be available and updated every spring.

4-H Clubs
All kids are different, and so are 4-H clubs! The goals and structures of 4-H clubs vary according to the needs of the members they serve. Some clubs offer one project topic that all members experience together at the club meetings. Others offer a selection of projects delivered through project meetings held apart from the clubs' main meetings.

How to Join 4-H
4-H is the premier leadership development opportunity for kids ages 5-18. Click the heading above to learn how to join.