Club Leader Resources
While leading a 4-H club is fun and gratifying, there are materials, policies, and training required to manage the club effectively.
Club Management
Submit check requests with documentation as soon as possible because checks take up to 10-14 days to process.
Deposits must be made to the 4-H office within three business days of receiving club funds such as dues, fundraising earnings, or donations.
Club balances are available from the 4-H office with one day's notice.
Once officers are elected, clubs are asked to fill out and submit the Club Information Form. It is a fillable form that can be emailed back.
Clubs can earn credit from the 4-H Mall to purchase supplies for their club by completing the Club Standards of Excellence. The completed form is due June 3, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. Documentation of items checked must be attached to the form.
- Fundraising
Volunteer Training
Volunteer club leaders receive interactive training four times a year with an end-of-the-club year celebration in May. Volunteers learn about topics related to youth development, club operations, risk management, communication methods, life skills, and more! If a volunteer is unable to attend a leader training, the agents make time to meet with them individually. Agents and program staff are available to answer questions and offer support as well. Below are links to materials from the 2023-2024 year which are posted after the meetings.
2023-2024 Leader Rally Materials
November 14, 2023
January 16, 2024
March 5, 2024
Connect With Us!
Julia S. Kelly 4-H Extension Agent II
Courtney Toelle 4-H Extension Agent I
Kellie C. Anderson 4-H Program Assistant