Marine and Coastal
The Florida Sea Grant in Flagler and Volusia Counties provides community education programs and environmental literacy materials focused on healthy oceans and coasts, protected species, and hazard resilience/ The program works closely with environmental groups, 4-H and other youth programs, marine researchers, local governments, and interested citizens. Carolyn Kovacs is the UF/IFAS Extension agent for Sea Grant inFlagler and Volusia Counties.
![Florida Microplastic Awareness Project logo](/media/flseagrantifasufledu/sea-grant/images/logos/floridamicroplastics_700x370.jpg)
Within this section, you will find information about the sources of microplastics, how they end up in our waters, and the threats they pose to marine life.
![Sea turtle curriculum logo](/media/flseagrantifasufledu/sea-grant/images/logos/environmentalEducation-700x370.jpg)
Environmental Education
Education resources include marine-themed curricula for K-12 grades, other educational activities/resources for teachers, and programs for lifelong learners (adults).