The Benefits of Becoming A Business Sponsor
The Wakulla County Master Gardener Volunteer Program is open to all those adults who are interested in gardening at any level and ability of learning. You do not need to be a "Master" to apply, and classes open annually in January.
This program is entirely dependent on support from funds generated by the kindness of monetary donations, plant sales, volunteers providing their personal time maintaining the grounds, weeding, mowing, gardening, repairing garden structures and supplying educational garden beds for lessons making an impact on our youth program.
Our goal is to raise funds that will be used for learning materials necessary for each new volunteer student to achieve hands-on experience in gardening. In order to meet this goal, we are asking for "Sponsorship" from individuals and local businesses such as yourself.
By purchasing business ad space, you will be supporting our community by bringing our volunteers and youth together. Your sponsorship will help volunteers make a difference at their level of experience and education. This program enriches how the Master Gardener Volunteers are able to study together while sharing their experience and knowledge with the public. The results are significant and meaningful as the produce they have grown are shared among the local 4-H Clubs and the Family Consumer Science Program throughout Wakulla County.
We hope that we can count on you to help support our cause. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact us at (850) 926-3931.
Click on 2024 Sponsorship Letter along with the 2024 Ad Space Diagram.
Like Kind Exchange Sponsor: You can donate money or gardening type materials.
$50.00 - 1"x 4" Ad Space-Common Sponsor: Your business information will be published in the next edition Ag/Hort/Nat Res. newsletter.
$100.00 - 2"x 8" Ad Space Bronze Sponsor: Your business information with your logo will be published in color in the next edition Ag/Hort/Nat Res. newsletter.
$250.00 - 1/4 page Ad Space Silver Sponsor: Your designated ad will be published in the next edition Ag/Hort/Nat Res. newsletter.
$500.00 - 1/2 page Ad Space Gold Sponsor: Your designated ad will be published in the next edition Ag/Hort/Nat Res. newsletter.
$1,000.00 - Whole page Ad Space Platinum Sponsor: Your designated ad will be published in the next edition Ag/Hort/Nat Res. newsletter.
UF/IFAS Master Gardener Volunteers Agriculture, Horticulture & Natural Resources Agent (850) 926-3931 wakullamg@ifas.ufl.edu
Master Gardener Volunteer Program Links
- Master Gardener Volunteer Sponsor Links
- MyImpactPage.com
- MyImpactPage.com Site Guide
- Ask The Master Gardener Volunteer
- Wakulla County Master Gardener Volunteer Program brochure
Soil Test Printable Forms & Program Links
- UF/IFAS Soil Sample Brochure
- Landscape & Vegetable Garden Test Form
- Producer Soil Test Form
- Wakulla Master Gardener Volunteer SPONSOR brochure
Master Gardener Volunteer Newsletters
- Sept/Oct 2019 Master Gardener Volunteer Newsletter
- Nov/Dec 2019 Master Gardener Volunteer Newsletter
- Jan/Feb 2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Newsletter
- March/April 2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Newsletter
- May/June 2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Newsletter
- Gardening in the Panhandle