Who We Are
UF/IFAS Wakulla Extension is a federal, state, and county partnership throughout Florida, with the mission to improve our lives by developing knowledge in agriculture, natural resources, and the life sciences and to make that knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. The partnership includes Florida Cooperative Extension, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida (UF), Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) and the Wakulla County Board of County Commissioners.
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What We Can Help You With
Wakulla County Extension Address
84 Cedar Avenue
Crawfordville, FL 32327
Monday - Friday
8:00am – 5pm
Samantha Kennedy
UF/IFAS Wakulla County Extension Director & FCS Agent
Phone (850) 926-3931
After-hours and weekends Emergency Contact (941) 545-7347
Sherry Balchuck
Wakulla County Extension Office Manager
Phone (850) 926-3931
Ask The Master Gardeners