4-H Volunteers
How to Become a 4-H Volunteer?
To become an eligible 4-H volunteer, individuals must do the following:
- DECIDE: Decide that you want to help kids grow and explore their futures.
- MEET AND GREET: Email your 4-H Agent to learn about volunteer opportunities in Walton County and schedule a brief meet and greet or over the phone (your preference). Tell us more about your interests as a volunteer and learn more about 4-H.
- ONLINE ENROLLMENT AND TRAINING: Enroll as a 4-H volunteer through our 4-H Online Enrollment system. Complete the Youth Protection Training and take the quiz.
- VOLUNTEER INTERVIEW: This can be done in person, over Zoom, or on the telephone.
- FINGERPRINTING: Upon completion of your interview and reference checks, the State 4-H Volunteer Coordinator will schedule your fingerprinting session at no cost at a location convenient to you. Attend your fingerprinting appointment and await your eligibility status from the 4-H agent.
- PREPARE: Prepare to share your skills, knowledge, and talents while having fun with kids!
- REGULAR TRAINING: Attend county volunteer training meetings throughout the year.
Here is a complete list of volunteer opportunities with responsibilities and time commitments. Walton County Volunteer Handbook
Volunteer Training Resources
The links below will allow you to access resources for 4-H volunteers as well as information on 4-H policy and up-to-date programming. For more information, please contact the 4-H agent.
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