There are several pesticide licenses available to Florida’s horticulture professionals. Below is a list of the most common licenses and descriptions along with related information from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), the regulatory agency for fertilizer and pesticide licenses.
Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance license
Any for hire business who will be applying ‘Caution’ labeled pesticides (including glyphosate) to plant beds only. Interested persons must attend a six hour training, pass an examination, and show proof of insurance. Examination fee is $150 and license is valid for one year. The renewal fee is $75 and each applicator must obtain 4 CEUS. There is no supervision allowed with this license.
Limited Lawn and Ornamental license
A person who works for a government or is the employee of business and will only be applying pesticides to lawns and ornamental plantings on property owned by the employer (for example: condominiums, apartments complexes, county and city governments). Interested persons must apply online or by mail for the examination which costs $150. This license is valid for four years and each applicator must obtain 4 CEUS and submit a renewal fee of $25 to FDACS. There is no supervision allowed with this license.
Limited Commercial Fertilizer Application license
Any for hire business who will be applying fertilizer (not including Weed and Feed) to lawns must be licensed. All persons must attend the six hour Green Industries Best Management Practices training and pass an examination. Persons must then complete an application along with $25 to receive a FDACS fertilizer license. This license is good for four years and applicators must obtain 4 Best management practices CEUS for renewal. The renewal fee is $25. There is no supervision allowed with this license.
Lawn and Ornamental Pest Control license
Any person offering pesticide applications on lawns and ornamental plantings as a pest control business. Each applicant must meet FDACS qualifications which include either experience or experience and education in a field related to agronomy, horticulture, or pest management. The examination fee is $300 and the license is valid for one year. Applicators must obtain 4 CEUS and submit a renewal fee of $150. A certified pest control operator may supervise employees working directly under their license as long as each employee is registered with an FDACS Employee Identification Card.
Turf and Ornamental Pesticide license
Any person who will be applying restricted use pesticides to golf courses, parks, cemeteries, or athletic fields must pass examinations in the categories of General Standards Core and Ornamental and Turf. There is no examination fee. The license fee is $100 for public applicators and $250 for commercial applicators. The license is valid for 4 year and each applicator must obtain 12 category CEUS and 4 Core CEUS. Each applicator may supervise up to 15 people.
Evan H. Anderson Commercial & Environmental Horticulture Agent II (850) 892-8172 eanderson350@ufl.edu