Plants in the Garden: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials
- American Basswood
- American Beech
- American Elm
- American Holly
- Black Walnut
- Blue Point Juniper
- Bottlebrush
- Canary Island Date Palm
- Chinese Elm 'Drake'
- Common Persimmon
- Crapemyrtle
- Crapemyrtle 'Acoma'
- Crapemyrtle 'Tuscarora'
- Eastern Hophornbeam
- European Fan Palm
- Flatwoods Plum
- Florida Maple
- Flowering Dogwood
- Fringe Tree
- Ginkgo
- Green Ash
- Japanese Persimmon
- Jujube 'Sugar Cane'
- Longleaf Pine
- Magnolia 'Little Gem'
- Mockernut Hickory
- Oklahoma Redbud
- Red Maple 'Autumn Flame'
- Red Maple 'Red Sunset'
- Red Mulberry 'Pakistan'
- River Birch 'Dura Heat'
- Rusty Blackhaw
- Shumard Oak
- Southern Catalpa
- Southern Live Oak 'High Rise'
- Southern Redcedar
- Spruce Pine
- Swamp Chestnut Oak
- Sweetgum
- Tulip Poplar
- White Ash
- White Oak
- Winged Elm
- Weeping Yaupon Holly
Shrubs & Perennials
- Agapanthus
- Aztec Grass
- Beach Sunflower
- Blackberry Lily
- Bulbine
- Camellias
- Cigar Flower
- Coontie
- Drift Roses
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Fennel
- Firebush 'Firefly'
- Firespike
- Glossy Abelia 'Frances Mason'
- Lantana 'New Gold'
- Liriope 'Evergreen Giant'
- Loropetalum 'Purple Pixie'
- Pentas
- Plumbago
- Porterweed
- Purple Coneflower
- Purple Trailing Lantana_Invasive
- Rose "Maggie"
- Sago, Emperor
- Sago, King
- Saw Palmetto
- Spirea 'Anthony Waterer'
- Stokes Aster
- Swamp Sunflower
- Tropical Milkweed
- Walters Viburnum 'Whorled Class'
- Whirling Butterflies
- Yarrow
- Asiatic Jasmine
- Black-eyed Susan Vine
- Confederate Jasmine, variegated
- Coral Honeysuckle
- Passionflower
- Perennial Peanut
- Powderpuff Mimosa
Additional Information & Resources
Visit the Baker County Arboretum
Baker County Garden Spot on Facebook
UF/IFAS Extension Baker County
1025 W. Macclenny Ave.
Macclenny, FL 32063
(904) 259-3520