Bed Bugs & College Life
Residents at the University of Florida are instructed about sanitation and pests during campus housing orientation. IPM policies and procedures are communicated orally and reinforced with written documents, e.g., brochures, newsletters and fact sheets.
Education pertaining to sanitation and pest prevention is a major emphasis of the IPM program. It is expected that the residents will follow sanitation guidelines while living in campus housing. Information about pests is provided to establish a tolerance for less harmful species, e.g., lady beetles, and intolerance of more harmful ones, e.g., bed bugs.
Residents are educated about the potential dangers of over-the-counter pesticides and cautioned to use them only if necessary, e.g., stinging insects. They are educated about low-risk pest management methods, such as swatting flies, vacuuming insects, and spraying soap solution. Residents are encouraged to collect specimens so DOHRE IPM technicians can identify pests and take appropriate action.
For more information refer to our IPM Policy and Treatment Options for University Housing manual.
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Related Sites & Articles
- Best Management Practices for Bed Bugs
- CDC - Centers for Disease Control for Bedbugs
- IPM - Integrated Pest Management for Bed Bugs
- Public Health