Marine and Coastal
Florida’s perimeter includes over 1,300 miles of coastline, encompassing several unique habitat types that are critical to the state’s economy and ecological integrity. From manatees to mollusks, and sturgeons to sharks; there is a complex web of life that depends on these watery ecosystems spanning the continuum from saltwater, to estuary and riverine systems.
SEA GRANT in Franklin County
Florida Sea Grant envisions a future where people use our coastal and marine resources in ways that capture the economic and social benefits they offer, while preserving their quality and abundance for future generations. Florida Sea Grant’s mission is to support integrated research, education and extension to conserve coastal resources and enhance economic opportunities for the people of Florida.
Oyster Recovery
Apalachicola Bay; a bay that historically produced over 90% of Florida’s oyster harvest is facing many challenges. Upstream water usage, drought cycles and other factors recently led to a federally-declared fisheries disaster in 2014. Researchers and resource managers are extremely focused on taking the steps necessary to restore the ecological balance in this important Gulf Coast estuary.

Hurricane Michael Debris Clean-Up
Hurricane Michael devastated the mid-Panhandle region of Florida in October 2018, littering our coastal environs with thousands of destroyed vessels, docks, and remnants of wrecked homes and businesses. UF/IFAS faculty in Bay, Gulf and Franklin Counties banded together to assist with removal of tons of marine debris after the storm.