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Top Feature- County 4-H Jackets

Welcome to Levy County 4-H

We are happy that you are here!

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4-H is the nation's largest youth development organization. 4-H is a nonformal, practical educational program for youth. Florida 4-H is the youth development program of Florida Cooperative Extension, a part of the University of Florida Intsitute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Use the links below to learn more about 4-H in Levy County and to find member & club resources. 

Meet your 4-H Agent and Program Assistant

Mrs. Jessica and Mrs. Crystal are excited to meet you! Click above to read short bio's about Levy County's 4-H Team.

4-H Member speaking at awards banquet

Get Involved

There are many ways to become involved in Levy County 4-H. Learn more about 4-H and 4-H in Levy County. We'd love to have you join as a member or a volunteer!

4-H Members holding the county 4-H banner and American Flag

Current Member Resources

Check out information about 4-H Officer Positions, Standards of Excellence, County Events, and 4-H Project Areas

Levy 4-H Volunteers at awards banquet

Volunteer Resources

This is designed to be a one-stop-shop for Levy County 4-H Volunteers. If you don't see what you are looking for, give us a call!

4-H summer camp attendee observing a simple chemical reaction used to make a lava lamp in a jar

Summer Day Camps

Each summer, Levy County 4-H holds day camps throughout the months of June and July. Camp registration opens early April of each year. See this year's camp line-up!

4-H members at the Florida State Capitol for 4-H Day at the Capitol

State 4-H Events

Discover how your member might be involved in 4-H at the State Level. Florida State 4-H offers many oppotunities to help youth improve their leadership and citizenship skills. 

4-H member showing her pig at the fair

Suwannee River Fair

Levy County 4-H Members can participate in the Suwannee River Fair. Find all requirements and fair information here. 

Excited 4-H member at a 4-H Shooting Sports practice

4-H Shooting Sports

Approved 4-H Members can participate in different shooting sports diciplines through Levy County 4-H. Find more information about Florida 4-H Shooting Sports. 

School students participating in an embryology class

4-H in the Classroom 

Schools allow 4-H to reach youth who are not directly involved in a community club. Learn more about how 4-H can provide the support and materials for various in-school programming.