Lawn & Garden
The UF/IFAS Marion County Extension Service is here to help you with your lawn and gardening questions. From a vegetable garden in your backyard, to lawns, trees, flowers and everything in between, our faculty and volunteers provide research-based information you can trust.

Marion County Master Gardeners
The mission of the Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Program is to assist Extension agents in providing the most current horticultural information to the public. Click here to learn more about our Master Gardener program.

Florida-Friendly Landscaping
The Florida-Friendly Landscaping (FFL) program is a statewide initiative that promotes sustainable landscapes that conserve water, protect water quality, and provide habitat for wildlife. The Marion County FFL program can help you achieve your landscaping goals while protecting our natural resources.

Contact Us
Jeremy Rhoden, the Marion County Horticulture Agent & Master Gardener Coordinator, along with Amanda Marek, the Marion County Florida-Friendly Landscaping Agent, and our incredible Master Gardener volunteers are here for you!