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4-H Events and Camps


By providing physical, mental, social, and emotional growth opportunities, 4-H events give members positive, meaningful experiences. 4-H events are hosted at the county, district, state, and national levels.

4-H Youth at the Capitol standing in front of American Flag

County, District, and State Events

All 4-H events and activities are designed to add hands-on education programs. By providing physical, mental, social, and emotional growth opportunities, 4-H events give members positive, meaningful experiences. 4-H events are hosted at the county, district, state, and national levels.

4-H Youth sitting around a campfire

4-H Camps

When it comes to providing your child with a life-changing experience, there’s nothing quite like 4-H summer camps. 4-H is grounded in a deliberate, research-backed development and delivery model, which means at 4-H camp, kids learn critical life skills like resilience and independence. If we want our kids to be able to bounce back from adversity, stress, challenges, and failures, teaching them resilience is key.

4-H Youth showing swine at the Putnam County Fair

Putnam County Fair

The Putnam County Fair Authority, Incorporated, also called PCFA, is a non-profit corporation approved by Putnam County and the Florida State Department of Agriculture and is incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida as a non-profit educational organization.