School Enrichment
4-H School Enrichment is a partnership between the University of Florida/IFAS Extension Service and a school district to provide educational content in various subject areas. We value our relationship with the schools and welcome the opportunity to provide research-based curricula, training, and in-class programs for classrooms.
A 4-H School Enrichment program:
- Is a well-planned program offered during school hours
- Involves direct teaching by Extension staff, trained volunteers, or teachers
- Follows a sequence of hands-on learning experiences
- Includes a series of lessons (minimum of 6 hours of educational content)
- Enriches and supplements the formal school curriculum
In Putnam County, we have a few popular projects that are offered regularly but we also work with schools and teachers to best meet their needs. Some of our most popular projects are:
4-H Embryology teaches students about science, life cycles, and respect for life.
What will Students be doing?
Students hatch chicks in the classroom and witness the miracle of life. Students take on the responsibilities of caring for the fertilized eggs and then the chicks after they have hatched. The hatched birds are given to local farmers or adopted out. Putnam County 4-H checks out a kit with all you need except the fertile eggs.
Kit includes
- Incubators,
- Egg turners,
- Heat lamps,
- Brooder box,
- Curriculum, etc.
Teacher/Volunteer Resources
- Florida 4-H Embryology Site (videos, FAQs, resources)
- Eggcellent Adventures in the Classroom
- Virtual Embryology with Daily Updates
- Hatching with My “Peeps” Embryology Countdown Calendar
4-H Gardening teaches youth how to grow and care for plants while understanding where their food originates from. This project is executed in a variety of ways ranging from container planting in or right outside the classroom to raised bed gardens in an open area of the school. Youth grow foods in their own class garden/containers that they will later harvest and sample. Putnam County 4-H checks out container gardening kits and will help facilitate raised bed gardening.
Teacher/Volunteer Resources
- 4-H Pizza Garden
- 4-H at Home: Gardening and Plant Science
- Junior Master Gardner Curriculum
- 4-H Plant Connections
- Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math)
4-H STEAM projects are plentiful and cover a wide variety of project areas. Putnam County 4-H checks out kits revolving around our 4-H National Science Day Series:- Wired for Wind- design, build out, and test two different wind turbine models
- Eco-Bot Challenge- think like an engineer to help think of ways to manage an environmental clean-up
- Maps & Apps- design and map a community park and use GIS mapping and layers to assess community problems
- Rockets to the Rescue- youth learn how to develop and test an aerodynamic transport device that can deliver food to disaster victims
- Motion Commotion- investigate physical and human factors of motion, simulating a speeding car collision and distracted driving with toy cars
- Drone Discovery- youth learn about flight dynamics to safety to flight control
- Incredible Wearables- a fun way for kids to build wearable fitness trackers
- Code Your World- includes a computer-based activity on Google’s CS First platform and three unplugged activities
- Game Changers- teaches youth how to use computer science to create games, solve problems and engage with topics they’re passionate about
- Mars Base Camp- a collection of activities that teaches kids STEM skills like mechanical engineering, physics, computer science, and agriculture
Florida 4-H Public Speaking School Enrichment - Sponsored by Florida Power & Light Company (FPL)
This enrichment program is designed to give 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students the opportunity to prepare and deliver a speech.
Students have the opportunity to present in the classroom and potentially in a school or county contest as well.
Contact us today to explore the school enrichment opportunities with Putnam County 4-H by clicking the Contact Form button below or contacting us at 386-329-0318 or Putnam4H@ifas.ufl.edu for more information.
Heather Pogue 4-H Independent & Countywide Programs Extension Agent I (386) 329-0318 h.pogue@ufl.edu
Physical Address 111 Yelvington Rd. East Palatka FL, 32131
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm