Peanut Butter Challenge
The UF/IFAS Santa Rosa County Extension Service asks community members to donate unopened jars of peanut butter to their office or other participating locations during the month of October, after which the totals will be tallied. The donations are then given to local food pantries and other partners in the fight against food insecurity.

If your business, civic, or church organization We are still looking for businesses, civic organizations, and faith-based groups to help us collect peanut butter! If you want to participate as a drop-off location, please get in touch with our office at 850-623-3868.
Current drop locations include (we will update additional locations on the SRC Facebook page):
- SRC Libraries, Jay, Milton, Pace, Navarre
- UF/IFAS Extension Offices in Jay at 5259 Booker Lane and Milton, 6263 Dogwood Dr
- SRC Administration complex at 6495 Caroline St, Milton
- SRC Clerk of Courts at 6495 Caroline St, Milton
- SRC Chamber of Commerce at 4315 Avalon Blvd, Milton
- Pace Water System 4401 Woodbine Road, Pace
- Cornerstone Christian Church 14047 Alabama Street, Jay
- United Bank Jay 14038 Alabama St, Jay
- Santa Rosa County Farm Bureau Offices 4035 Highway 4 Jay, 4474 Woodbine Rd Pace
- Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, 1804 Prado Street, Navarre
According to the 2019 FDACS Agriculture by the Numbers report, in 2018, 71.1 million pounds of peanuts were produced in Santa Rosa County! Most of these peanuts are used for peanut butter. The National Peanut Board reports that it takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter, and there are enough peanuts in one acre to make 35,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Contact Us
For more information on how to donate please contact:
Joshua Criss
Thomas Derbes