![kids participating in summer camps](/media/sfylifasufledu/suwannee/images/4-h/Summer-Camps.png)
In School & After School Programs
Youth Understanding MyPlate (YUM) – YUM is a six-lesson curriculum designed to teach young children the basic messages of MyPlate through activities that reinforce the food guidelines to encourage them to make healthy choices. For pre-k /kindergarten and first/second grade. There is also an Exploration Edition for grades 6-8 (YUMEE).
Tropicana Speech Contest – The Tropicana Speech Contest is sponsored by the Tropicana Orange Juice Company. Created for grades 4-6, this program has students write speeches and compete at the class level, grade level, and then county level. The winner of the county competition receives a free trip to Camp Cherry Lake (over a $200 value). This program is designed for youth to increase their writing skills as well as public speaking skills.
Florida Ag in the Classroom Grant – (FAITC) offers Teacher Grants and School Garden Mini Grants to Florida pre-k through 12th grade teachers and agri-science teachers who need funds to start or maintain a school garden, launch an embryology project to educate students about the life cycle of chickens, establish a classroom farm on paper to teach economics and more.
4-H National Youth Science Day Experiment – (NYSD) is an interactive learning experience that engages youth across the country in conducting the National Science Experiment. The 2014 Experiment, Rockets to the Rescue!, explores the field of aerospace engineering. Youth will be tasked with the mission in light of the recent natural disasters such as Typhoon Haiyan. Youth design and build an aerodynamic food transportation device that can deliver a payload of nutritious food to disaster victims. (Could correlate with the STEM School Enrichment Grant).
4-H Afterschool Program – The 4-H Afterschool Program is a nationwide initiative that increases the quality and availability of positive youth development during after-school hours. This program creates learning opportunities suitable for any after-school setting, delivers enriching hands-on curricula, and trains staff and volunteers to work more effectively with youth.
STEM Fair – The Program is structured to be a part of everyday classroom activities. In addition, the excitement of a competition is added. The Program is designed to give youth experience in the preparation and delivery of a scientific idea, through a science fair. It is designed for youth ages 8-18 (3rd grade –12th grade). The emphasis of the Program is on the growth of every student participant.
Call our office to find out how you can participate in these programs today.
Katie Jones 4-H and Youth Leadership Extension Agent I (386) 362-2771 kmjones@ufl.edu
Physical Address 1302 11th Street SW Live Oak, FL 32064
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm