4-H Youth and Development
Who can join?
Youth in Florida can join 4-H if they are between the ages of 5-18, with the stipulation that youth must be younger than 5 as of September 1st of the current year, and no older than 18 as of September 1st of the current year. In 4-H, youth are broken into age groups that may define what activities and programs they are eligible for.
- Cloverbuds- ages 5-7. Cloverbuds can participate in 4-H but are not allowed to compete until they age into the next age group.
- Juniors- ages 8-10
- Intermediates- ages 11-13
- Seniors- ages 14-18. Seniors can participate in 4-H until they are 18, or until they graduate high school, whichever comes first.
When should I re-enroll?
The traditional 4-H year runs from September 1st through August 31st , but you can enroll or re-enroll at any time! Enrollment opens in August, so register early so that you don't miss a thing! All 4-H must re-enroll every year, but enrollment is open year-round for those who are new or interested in learning more.
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