Agriculture & Natural Resources
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Meet the Agent
Dr. Kevin Korus - Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent
I am Kevin Korus, DPH, and the UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent. I am a native of Nebraska where I received all three of my degrees; a Bachelor’s in Horticulture, Master’s in Plant Pathology, and in 2016 the Doctor of Plant Health. I have spent the last four years as the Coordinator of the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic and an Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. During this time I was able to gain experience with a wide range of agronomic, horticulture, and landscape plants and the insect, disease, and nutrient issues that they faced. I am passionate about diagnosing plant health issues and firmly believe that the correct management plan can only be developed after the correct diagnosis has been made.
I am excited to continue being an advocate of plant health and look forward to addressing the issues that will arise in the wonderfully diverse Ag and Natural Resource systems of the great state of Florida.
Dr. Kevin Korus Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Agent II 352-955-2402 kkorus@ufl.edu
Address 22712 W Newberry Rd Newberry, FL 32669
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm