Here's the 2025 day-by-day agenda (there is no programming on Monday May 19; the Short Course registration desk will be open from 3pm until 6pm for badge pickup only):

Day 1: Tuesday


Day 2: Wednesday


Day 3: Thursday


  • FAQs

    I need a mix of Aquatic and Upland CEUs; can I move between sessions?

    Absolutely! But remember, you must be present for the entire session to receive credit for attending, so make sure you only switch rooms during a scheduled break or lunch

    I don’t have a license yet; which sessions should I attend?
    Exam prep sessions will take place on Days 1 and 2 (Tuesday May 14, afternoon only and Wednesday May 15, all day). You can attend any sessions that interest you during the Short Course, but you should definitely attend sessions that relate to the category you’re testing for (so if you are taking the Aquatics exam, attend the Aquatic exam prep and CEU sessions)

    What is “Upland”? FDACS does not have an “Upland” category!
    The principles, concepts, and techniques that will be covered in “Upland” sessions are applicable to weed management in any terrestrial setting – forestry, natural areas, right-of-way, turf and ornamental, etc. – so CEUs will be available in a wide range of terrestrial categories for Upland sessions

    I’m licensed in another state; how do I find out if my state will accept CEUs from the Short Course?
    In addition to Florida CEUs, we can request credits from other states IF there is enough interest. If you are from a state other than Florida and have a group of AT LEAST FIVE people from your state that plan to attend for credit, please contact Dr. Lyn Gettys by April 1, 2025 for more information.