About 4-H
What is 4-H?
4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization. There are 6.5 million young people enrolled in the 4-H program across America and approximately 230,000 within the State of Florida. This non-formal, practical educational program for youth is the youth development program of Florida Cooperative Extension – part of the University of Florida IFAS.
What do the 4 H’s stand for?
The 4 H’s on the 4-H clover stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health.
Head represents mental development and a deeper knowledge and reasoning.
Heart represents emotional development and the opportunity for youth to develop interests, appreciation and wholesome attitudes.
Hands represent skills development and the ability to do something, gain a skill in doing or the habit of doing.
Health represents physical development and the understanding and appreciation of a growing and changing body.
What is the Florida 4-H Mission?
The Florida 4-H Youth Development Program uses a learn-by-doing approach and caring adults to help youth gain the knowledge and life skills they need to be productive, responsible citizens.
What is the Florida 4-H Vision?
Florida 4-H aspires to be the leading youth development program that creates positive change in youth, families and communities.
What is the 4-H Motto?
The 4-H motto is: To Make the Best Better
What is the 4-H Slogan?
Learn by Doing
What is the 4-H Pledge?
I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
my heart to greater loyalty,
my hands to larger service,
and my health to better living.
For my club, my community, my county and my world.
Who can join 4-H?
4-H is open to all youth, ages 5-18, determined as of September 1 of the current 4-H program year and open to all counties in the State of Florida. 4-H serves youth from all backgrounds and interests. It reaches youth through 4-H clubs, special-interest groups, and short-term projects, school aged child care, camping and school enrichment.
Why join 4-H?
4-H is the only youth development program with direct access to technological advances from university research.
According to the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development conducted by Tufts University young people in 4-H:
- Report better grades, higher levels of academic competence, and an elevated level of engagement at school.
- Are nearly two times more likely to plan to go to college
- Are more likely to pursue future courses in a career in science, engineering, or computer technology.
The UF/IFAS Extension Florida 4-H Youth Development Program uses a learn-by-doing approach to help youth gain the knowledge and skills they need to be responsible, productive citizens. This mission is accomplished by creating safe and inclusive learning environments, involving caring adults, and utilizing the expertise and resources of the University of Florida and the nationwide land grant university system.
4-H provides children with the opportunity to learn life skills which they will use now and in the future.
Kristie Popa 4-H Youth Development Agent (941) 833-3837 kpopa@ufl.edu
Physical Address 1120 Centennial Boulevard Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Mailing Address 1120 Centennial Boulevard Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm