Who We Are
Through a partnership between Gulf County, the University of Florida and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Extension Service can provide assistance with such community issues as water conservation, environmental protection, family health and nutrition, youth development and economic stability for Gulf’s small farms and ranches.
The Extension Service is an off-campus educational branch of the University of Florida. Extension agents, who serve as the county’s “educators”, reach more than two million people each year through presentations, telephone calls, lab diagnoses, pamphlets and other outreach programs.
This “real life” learning approach was established in 1914 by the federal Smith-Lever Act, and is one of the world’s largest informal education and developmental organizations.
Ray Bodrey Agriculture & Natural Resources County Extension Director, Extension Agent III rbodrey@ufl.edu
Anitra Mayhann
Specialty: 4-H & Family and Consumer Sciences, Extension Agent I
Hayley Ward
Administrative Assistant
Main Office Phone
(850) 639-3200
Physical Address
232 E. Lake Ave.
Wewahitchka 32465
Mailing Address
PO Box 250
Wewahitchka 32465
Open to the Public:
Monday - Friday
8:00am – 4:00pm - Central Time