Liberty County 4-H
4-H is the non-formal educational youth development program of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) and the Florida Extension Service. 4-H is the nation’s largest youth development program and the only one that is university based.
How is 4-H Supported?
4-H is part of the Cooperative Extension Service based on the land grant University system. 4-H is tax-supported. The combined efforts of county, state, and federal governments support 4-H to provide educational, research-based programs for everyday living and the development of life skills. Local businesses and civic organizations also help fund the 4-H program in their area. Programs and activities are conducted through a partnership of local community volunteers and professional staff. There is no fee to become a member of 4-H.
What do 4-Hers do?
4-H members participate in the program through one or more of the following delivery methods?: Organized 4-H Clubs School Enrichment Programs Special Interest Programs (workshops, day camps, etc) 4-H Camps Individual Study (member at-large)
What Experiences Does 4-H Provide for Youth?
Project Experiences – working individually or in groups youth select topics of interest in which they study and learn. A 4-H project is a series of learning experiences within an area of interest (such as leadership, marine science, horses, etc). Download the Member Guide, which lists many different 4-H projects.
Group Experiences – 4-Hers participate in groups through club meetings, classrooms, project meetings, or organized events, which provide an environment to learn leadership and group social skills.
4-H Events and Activities – specialized 4-H events are designed and conducted to support the 4-Her at the local, county, district, state, and national levels. These may be competitive or non-competitive in nature. At the club level- local clubs often plan and conduct their own events (family picnics, field trips, fund-raising, or community service activities).
At the county, district, state, and national levels- county or state faculty plan and conduct many specialized events to enhance and support local 4-Hers. Such events may include day camps, residential camps, workshops, clinics, and competitive events.
What are the Advantages of Being in 4-H?
What are the Advantages of Being in 4-H?
4-H offers flexible programming to meet youth needs by emphasizing skill building processes and effective outcomes through activities that promote positive values, social responsibility, and lifelong learning. Young people involved in 4-H have the opportunity to: develop as an individual, learn life skills related to projects, make new friends, work with adult volunteers, develop pride as they learn by doing, and develop leadership skills.
Join 4-H Today!
Joining 4-H is easy! And three easy options are available.
- Visit the 4-H Online web site and enroll online. This site is for new 4-H enrollments, updating existing membership information, as well as 4-H volunteers.
- Download the 4-H Enrollment Form. Complete the information, print, and make sure both parent/guardian and youth sign each form. Mail or drop off the forms at the 4-H Office at 10405 NW Theo Jacobs Way, Bristol, FL 32321.
- Stop by the 4-H Office, at the address above, and pick up a pre-printed enrollment form.
4-H is open to all youth, ages 5-18, determined as of September 1 of the current 4-H program year.
Eligibility for enrolled 4-H members (those who have met previously stated enrollment criteria) is determined by the youth’s age as of September 1 of the current 4-H program year, which runs September 1 through August 31. Any exceptions are noted under participation criteria defined for the event. Generally, age classifications for most 4-H events and activities are the following:
Ages 5 – 7: Cloverbud Division
Children under 8 years of age on September 1 of the current 4-H year are ineligible to participate in competitive activities at any level (club, county, district, state, national or international). 5-7 year olds may exhibit or share project activities at a participation level against a predefined standard. Feedback and participation awards may be given to this group, but they are not permitted to be involved in peer-to-peer competition. Cloverbuds may not work with or show large animal projects (e.g. horse, swine, beef, goat, dairy, llama, sheep, or ostrich) at any 4-H related event. This policy does not prohibit 5-7 year olds from learning about large animals through attendance at meetings or field trips. They can not participate, however, in 4-H activities that bring them in contact with large animals due to safety and insurance considerations.
Ages 8 – 10: Junior Division
Any youth 8-10 years old as of September 1 of the current 4-H program year is considered a junior.
Ages 11 – 13: Intermediate Division
Any youth 11-13 years old as of September 1 of the current 4-H program year is considered an intermediate.
Ages 14 – 18: Senior Division
Any youth 14-18 years old as of September 1 of the current 4-H program year is considered a senior.
When should I (re)enroll?
The 4-H year runs from September through August. So, that means the new 4-H year begins September 1st, right after the start of the new school year. That is the easiest way to remember when to re-enroll! All 4-H members must re-enroll each year.
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, creed, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, IFAS, FLORIDA A & M UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION PROGRAM, AND BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COOPERATING.
Jeremiah House 4-H Program Assistant (850) 643-2229 j.house@ufl.edu
Connect with 4-H Online
Join the conversation and connect with us and the Florida 4-H community on the Florida 4-H Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.
Useful Links
- About Liberty County 4-H
- 4-H Clubs
- 4-H Volunteers
- View complete list of 4-H Programs & Events
- Meet the Current Youth Leadership
- View 4-H Video Gallery
- View 4-H Photo Gallery